Quiz Fun This Week

Between the hectic hustle and bustle of the household, I managed to squeeze in a couple of short online quizzes to add to my collection. These both came courtesy of Tickle.com.

What Do Your Lips Say About You?

This is definitely a test with questions geared toward women – sorry guys. It will ask questions about lipstick wear, etc.. Short and easy to take. My results are:

Nicole, your lips say you’ve got Understated Charm

Whether you’re delivering a sweet smooch or a well-chosen compliment, a kind and centered sweetie like you uses your lips to show how much you care. You’re a great listener who’s got a knack for knowing what — and what not — to say.

Subtle and down-to-earth, you’re not totally consumed by fussy fashions or high-maintenance beauty routines. We’d bet you’re most comfortable in simple styles that let your genuine self shine through. Seems just right for a go-with-the-flow gal like you!

Definitely on the money there! So I decided to try another one that was in the ‘suggested quizes’ list since I was already taking ‘girly’ quizzes.

What’s Your Shopping Style?

This one though, I was more curious what the questions would be like since I -hate- shopping. So I wanted to see if they would peg me correctly. It seems that they did! Note: This is another quiz rather geared toward women.

Nicole, you’re a Nancy!

Ka-ching, Ka-ching! We’d be willing to bet the cash register that you’re a practical, business-like, let’s-get-this-over-with shopper — a true Needs-only Nancy. For you, shopping isn’t about having fun, it’s about checking things off your list. You only brave the crowds at the mall when you’re out of something you really need. In fact, we have a sneaking suspicion you’re a big fan of online shopping — it’s quick and painless, and you don’t have to remember where you parked your car. Even though they’re a little overwhelming, warehouse stores work for you, too (when you can buy 48 rolls of toilet paper at once, that’s one less trip to the store you’ll have to make later). As long as you’re not letting shopping stress you out too much, just thank your lucky stars that you’ll never need to worry about going to Shopaholics Anonymous meetings!

If you’re interested in taking them yourself, here are the links:
What Do Your Lips Say About You?
What’s Your Shopping Style?
Note: I think you may have to register to take them. I had an account, and don’t recall whether or not I had to log in first.
