It has been about 5 months since I last posted on this blog, and boy do I have some catching up to do!
Where should I start? Ah, how about with why exactly you might have visited the blog and found a big alert that said it was down because my host was being an idiot. Well, that’s a long story, but in short, my web hosting shut off my entire domain because my blog was using too many resources. Which, wouldn’t have been as big of a problem if they’d:
a) Alerted me first.
b) Not locked me out of my own files.
c) Not also shut down my main site on the primary domain which I use for business.
d) Not plastered some ‘this user is in violation’ message up on my domain to make me sound like some sort of criminal.
So… obviously I pitched a royal fit, but it still took quite a long time to get my file access back. Now, here’s the real catch – under normal circumstances I’d suggest to any of my clients a very easy fix: change web hosts. Well, unfortunately I can’t do that yet.
As it would seem, my webhost has arranged things in such a manner that my domain name is being held hostage. Now this is when I get a bit embarrassed, since I am someone who works in this business and it’s just a matter of having been an idiot early on. When I registered this domain.. I suppose close to 5 years ago, I just registered it with a package deal. Found a little webhost with unlimited bandwidth allowed, and decided to go with it. Got the domain and hosting at the same time.
Well, I didn’t plan ahead, and didn’t find out what I needed to first. As it would turn out, they used another company to register my domain name, and that company won’t respond to any of my inquiries. I’d like to transfer the domain name to my GoDaddy account (where I keep most of my personal domains), but they have the domain locked for transfer – go figure. So… I’ve been trying to get in touch with these guys for months to get them to unlock my domain name. No joy so far – not even a response.
So that’s one of the reasons I’ve been gone.
The rest of them are personal. Here’s a quickie list:
1. I’ve been writing articles on here for nearly 5 years and decided I needed a vacation when all that domain nonsense started.
2. I started homeschooling both my kids and needed to focus on finding the right methods that would work with each. (It’s going GREAT by the way.)
3. Business has been pretty busy on the web development side.
4. Started a new company in September and starting another in November.
5. I’ve been having a torrid affair with jQuery, and will give you all the dirty bits later.
6. I’ve been attempting to educate myself more on SEO, which has actually been less complicated than I imagined.
7. Started a personal blog just to see if I can maintain one (I’ve never been good at keeping personal journal things up to date, and I’m not doing great at this either).
8. …. and all the rest of everything.
In any case, I’m back here, and boy oh boy do I have a TON of articles stored up in my head. It’s gonna be a fun holiday season for articles.
Until next time!
Hello Nicole,
Next time take a look at your email folder.
Guess there have been more than only the two emails, I’ve sent you months ago.
However, nice to see you’re back and that busy 😮
Regards Tümmel