Book Progress

The Road is Long and the Path Filled with Boulders

A bit of an update as I am trucking through, slowly but steadily on my book. I can surely identify what has been the largest difficulty for me in the past two months. On a good note, I can also say that I have (I believe) overcome that difficulty.

Primary Problem – Organization

The organization of how I want to present the information kept repeatedly coming back to me as I was writing. It simply felt… off. I kept having a recurring feeling that the more I wrote, the more I was going to have to later fix. It just wasn’t feeling well organized.

It has been an element of extreme importance to me for the book to be easily readable, but in that, one of the most vital aspects is for it to be well organized. I want people to be able to flip to the section they want without any question. Was that happening… well no. I realized that I was writing it more in the way of a desktop reference. Listing things out, and that was not what I wanted to do. So… some changes had to occur.

A Bridge Across

I feel like I’m getting closer to being caught up in changing what I had already written to increase the readability. I definitely do not want to make the book complicated to find information in. But, at the same time, I don’t want it to be just a desktop reference. I think (‘think’) that I have reached a solution to it.

Primarily I decided that I’m going to use the approach of how I would explain it (such as the order I would address it were I using a lecture format) and try that method. So far, it is seeming to be significantly better and flow together much nicer.

Hopefully, that will continue. On the downside, getting prepared for organizing a seminar is also putting a bit of a roadblock in my time, and some of the volunteer projects I’m working on are also taking a bit of a bite. I’m sure that it will all work out in due time, and I am definitely on the road to getting this moving along at a better rate now.
