A Busy Week

This week can be described in a single word: Chaos.

My 6 year old is on spring break from school, so the house is like one enormous tornado as she and her 3 year old brother fly by in a whirling Tazmanian-devil fashion, and there I am… pointlessly chasing behind trying to clean up the disaster left in their wake. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel – school starts again tomorrow.

Her birthday was Saturday, and on Friday I took her to Sea World as a present. It’s Sunday, and my legs feel like they are in knots from all the walking. But, she had a blast, so it was worth it.

I blame the school for this. Entirely. They’ve gotten her into the habit of expecting a new and exciting activity every 30 minutes. My creative juices are entirely tapped now. I hope the teacher has a lot planned for next week, because there will be a lot of kids who have been bored with creatively-deficient parents.

Regardless, this week has been busy, and I’ve been less than frequent in posting, but for now, I’m just trying to recover from the massively hectic week. Hopefully, next week will be a return to some relative normalcy.
