Happy SysAdmin Day Kalle!

Well, pitiful as it may be that he had to let me know himself that today was National SysAdmin Day, it is nonetheless. So… Kalle, my most fabulous sysadmin, here’s a post just for you to let you know that you are truly loved as a sysadmin (even if I was away on messenger when you mentioned the sysadmin day *cough*).

Aside from all the reasons that he’s a great friend, here are just a few of the reasons that he’s an uber-adored sysadmin.

Kalle, thank you for…

  • Originally forcing me to leave Blogger for WordPress by setting up a blog for me.
  • Handling all the system files so that I don’t have to be paranoid about them.
  • Dealing patiently with my random requests to chmod folders.
  • Cnaming the blog server files so that it can still be on my domain name.
  • Quietly keeping the running software upgraded, so much so that I don’t even know when it’s happened until I see an email update saying MySQL has just been upgraded.
  • Keeping the server running near constant and so much more dependably than anyone I’ve had my sites hosted with.

Overall, thank you for being a great guy who can manage to be a sysadmin and a friend without losing patience with me 🙂


One Reply to “Happy SysAdmin Day Kalle!”

  1. *squish* 😀 Thank you. It’s the first time someone’s ever congrated me on “happy sysadmin day”. 🙂

    It’s not terribly hard to sysadmin Enrogue, though. It’s the most well behaved server I’ve ever seen in my life. *pats box cozily*

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