GPL Version 3

Today the Free Software Foundation (FSF) is releasing the first major update to the GPL license (General Public License) at a meeting in Boston. will stream the announcement on their website today (starting around noon EDT).

So why should you upgrade your license to Version 3? It’s actually not a simple answer, and you don’t have to upgrade to the new version if you don’t want to. The FSF is offering a ‘Why Upgrade’ article on their site, explaining why they feel you should.

If you prefer to decide on your own, instead of being told why you should upgrade, you might want to read through the Frequently Asked Questions about GPLv3.

Of course, as Wired mentions, not everyone is thrilled about the new version. I mean honestly, when Linus Torvalds says

I don’t think the GPLv3 is as good a license as v2

you know that people are going to stop and read it more carefully. You might want to do the same and decide for yourself.


One Reply to “GPL Version 3”

  1. Thanks for the info, I should be giving that a closer look now since as I release themes, I should be accompanying the with the respective up-to-date licenses to provide users maximum flexibility.

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