Why it is Essential to Find Experienced App Developers

With extensive online tutorials, app development engines and open source culture emphasizing ease of use in app development, it is now possible for literally anyone, with basic computer skills, to begin dabbling with making an app for Android or the iPhone.

Unlike the intimidating, or geeky tag that programming had once garnered, apps and software are now considered cool and mainstream.

However, the mad rush to beat the competition and roll out app after app rapidly has also led to inferior, glitch-ridden apps being uploaded to app marketplaces.  Not only do they offer error-prone functionality, but can also compromise data security.

Software Developers India – SDI explains in great detail why you should only hire experienced app developers for your app needs.

Appreciation for design rules
Younger app developers may follow the Mark Zuckerberg mantra of “Move Fast and Break Things” but designing the visual experience of an app requires in-depth thinking of all aspects of the app. Even the logo, the first point of contact for the user needs to look great across all platforms and devices. Unless it is intended for industrial use, everyone from a supermodel to an accountant might use the app, and it must appeal to everyone.

Software Support
With the experience and insight into how software and coding interacts with hardware, experienced app
can rapidly address glitches, bugs and other issues. They can also tap into their own network to raise awareness about malfunctioning apps. Newbie developers may not have the same level of social support.

Flexible Solutions
Fluency with software and coding also lets experienced developers rapidly improvise to deal with unexpected app glitches. Having dealt with clients on a regular basis, they have developed a systematic method of escalating complaints so that they are resolved rapidly.

Experienced developers might use their inventory of tech solutions to offer a standby solution.

More Willing to Experiment
While one would automatically assume that newbie designers would be radical and unconventional, it is often seen that experienced developers are highly invested in breaking boundaries, and use their time in the industry to learn from mistakes to make better and better apps. An app developer with a formidable body of work is still only as good as the next version of his app in the marketplace.  They are also driven by the booming competition in the sector.

This was a guest article from Raj Srivastav.

SDI has been partnering with clients to make apps for Windows Phone OS, Android, and iOS to solve business needs and challenges. The company has developed a reputation for path-breaking innovations in the app development space.  To avail best-in-class app development services for your businessBusiness Management Articles, visit  SDI or contact us on 408 802 2885. You can also write to us at team@sdi.la .