At some point or another almost all businesses will utilize the power of the web to help sell their product or service to a wider online market. How do you go about doing this? One of the hardest things a designer has to do is…
Category: Code
Well, having run 2.2 for just a few days now, I’m definitely decided on some of the changes I was merely skeptical about before. Widgets – Don’t want them there in my Presentation tab. Thanks but ‘No Thanks.’ Preview Pane – I want it back!…
I’ve been spending some time on DHTMLSite lately, and I definitely feel its a great resource for people to look at. Whether you’re a developer or a client, it’s something that can help. For clients who are having a hard time visualizing what they are…
Codswallop created a list of 100 web applications that are useful for Freelancers, something that’s being called the Freelancer’s Toolkit. It’s a great resource. The list begins at 100, but if you peek into the comments on the page, you’ll see users who have added…
One of the phrases that seems to be on peoples lips during the last few days has been the new JavaFX. In a nutshell, JavaFX is a new method to create rich internet applications. There is an article on Internet News praising JavaFX and declaring…
A very frequent question about WordPress is how to show something only on the main page or, conversely, show something only on subpages. It’s super easy to do, but it’s a simple way you can make WordPress blog feel more dynamic. Let’s say, for example,…
I think that it’s a lost art in many ways – coding by hand. With all the visual point-and-click editors out there, few people code from scratch anymore. Personally, I prefer hand coding and will until a visual editor comes along that works well enough…
Recently I posted an article which talked about the reasons to avoid using javascript navigation. The article listed reasons, but not alternatives, so that’s what I’d like to spend some time talking about. Secondary Navigation I feel that the best alternative to javascript navigation is…
Over time many bad web design ideas have been dropped or lost favour, including unnecessary splash screens and unwieldy framesets, for the good of the web user. However, one web design bad habit that persists is the JavaScript Dynamic Navigation. This is bad news for…
I wrote a few days ago that I was having some serious spam issues. Hundreds to thousands per day. I mentioned that I was going to try a few solutions, to see what worked. Well, I’ve only be experimenting for a couple of days now,…