DHTML Tools List

I’ve been spending some time on DHTMLSite lately, and I definitely feel its a great resource for people to look at. Whether you’re a developer or a client, it’s something that can help. For clients who are having a hard time visualizing what they are…

Web Applications – The Mega List

Codswallop created a list of 100 web applications that are useful for Freelancers, something that’s being called the Freelancer’s Toolkit. It’s a great resource. The list begins at 100, but if you peek into the comments on the page, you’ll see users who have added…

Coding by Hand – A Lost Art?

I think that it’s a lost art in many ways – coding by hand. With all the visual point-and-click editors out there, few people code from scratch anymore. Personally, I prefer hand coding and will until a visual editor comes along that works well enough…