ROR Sitemaps

Apparently I got behind in new technologies and had missed hearing about ROR somehow. Granted, the ROR technology is only celebrating its’ 1 year anniversary, but even still, I do try to keep up. So, essentially, let me cover what I’ve learned about ROR recently.…

Alternative to _blank

As anyone who has tried to validate a website to a Strict doctype knows, the target=”_blank” attribute is no longer allowed. The most common question is Why? and there is a simple answer. In web standards, (X)HTML is for content, CSS is for style, and…

Less Women in Technology?

There was an article that was Slashdotted in December. I was thinking about this and I wonder what the level of accuracy is. The figures referenced say that in 1985 the percentage of women who received Bachelors degrees in Computer Science was at 37%, but…

A Reminder on Modes

As this came up in a recent discussion, I think its prudent to at least briefly list the ideal doctypes to use for the modes you want to trigger in a browser. Keep in mind that there are three termed modes: Quirks Mode, Almost Standards…

What’s Your CSS Level?

Not a Quiz – Rate Yourself I found this accurate and amusing little article on Friendly Bit and, of course, it immediately got me thinking. “What Level am I?” Without too much ego, I think I’m sitting around a level 5 and steadily moving toward…

Book Progress

The Road is Long and the Path Filled with Boulders A bit of an update as I am trucking through, slowly but steadily on my book. I can surely identify what has been the largest difficulty for me in the past two months. On a…

NGD Test

The Nerd, Geek, or Dork Test So I took yet another online quiz from OkCupid today. I probably shouldn’t be so easily amused by online quizzes, but perhaps that is simply something ultimately reflected in my results 😉 My Results Pure Nerd 65 % Nerd,…

Love Hate (LVHA)

CSS Link Specificity Love Hate is how I taught myself to remember the order. The acronym for the order (LVHA) just wasn’t terribly easy to remember on its own. It didn’t spell anything, or really give a sensical meaning to me. But Love Hate works.…

Lists Using the List Tags

Making Menus The Right Way Seems like a No-Brainer doesn’t it? Except that it is, apparently, not the case. I constantly see web pages with code like this for a vertical navigation bar: <a href="1.html">Link1</a><br /><br /> <a href="2.html">Link2</a><br /><br /> <a href="3.html">Link3</a><br /><br />…