One of the largest and most active, publically assisted, and free resources for ebooks on the Internet is Project Gutenberg. The Project was founded by Michael Hart in 1971, and it has continued to prosper based only on volunteer efforts and donations. They have over 10,000 eBooks, and are helped and hosted by Ibiblio.
Project Gutenberg offers internet users the ability to read online, download, print, etc… books in an all text format or various other formats that are easy to read. They also publish a smaller collection of movies and music. This resource is very valuable to the internet community, and has continued to prosper and add books regularly.
This site is incredibly useful, highly organized, follows strict standards of development, and is Free! Here’s the grade and the reasons why.
B = APPEALING DESIGN (3cr) (The layout is very clean and simple, which is what you should have for a site which will require the user to do a lot of reading, although it lacks some design elements. There are some options to change the look of the website, but not many.)
A = EASE OF NAVIGATION (3cr) (Very easy to navigate.)
A = VALID CODE SYNTAX (2cr) (Upon running a validation check on the HTML behind this website, View Validator The pages are properly designed and conform to HTML 4.0 Strict Rules. Excellent!
B = DISABILITY AND BROWSER ACCESS (2cr) (Upon running a validation check on the HTML behind this website, View this Validator, it came up with nearly no problems. There were 1 unset image command tags on the main page, and it had no alt text. There were some problems with Netscape browser access, and opera, and one form command that Internet Explorer does not like. I would like to see this fixed because I am someone who advocates Open Access for the Web.)
A = FINDABILITY (3cr) (Excellent Job on the Meta-Tags! Most people do not put their decriptor tags in multiple languages, but they did. That leads to us being able to find the site easier through search engines. However, it can cause some errors. I would suggest alternate doorway pages for each language as a proper alternative.)
A = FRUSTRATION LEVEL (3cr) (Excellent Job! There were no broken links. Also, the site would take approximately 6 seconds to load over a 28.8 kbps network connection. That’s great! However, it looks like they might be able to save another 17.6% on the size of their web page by compressing the code.)
Total Possible Credits = 20 Total Possible GPA = 4.0
Total Quality Points Given = 75
Total Website GPA = 3.75 (A-)
~Review conducted by