New Template – Dark Rose

I’ve just completed working on a new template that I’m calling Dark Rose.

This template is free, open-source, following only the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license.

The template is a CSS based, table-less layout and validate to XHTML 1.0 Strict. It uses two images, one of which is shown in multiple places just to give examples of where you might want an image. This design contains no hacks, and includes skip links for accessibility. It has been tested in Firefox, IE 6 and IE 7 Beta 2, Opera, Konqueror, and Safari.

I have included some matching text styles to cover basics like blockquotes, code, and data tables. All the text sizing is done using the 76% concept to keep them fluid with em sizing. Here’s a screen shot of the Dark Rose layout:

Dark Rose - Screenshot

Feel free to go to the main page for it and download the layout. Remember to save the images used also.

Download page: Dark Rose


4 Replies to “New Template – Dark Rose”

  1. Hello,
    me just downloaded this Style. Have you tested it with WordPress? I’ve installed it and WP says, there’s no css and no template files – So it doesn’t work! Where can i get a template-file?


  2. The template is a website template for a traditional website, not a template designed for wordpress. I have every intention of creating WordPress versions of my templates in the future, but for now, they are simply for regular websites.

  3. Hey, Just downloading and have been adding my own content. Love it. Thankyou.

    I know basic html but haven’t done for a while. Wondering how I connect up the links up the top to other pages in the site. Do I add the content for linked pages within the site to a new html file? Does it link like tables / frames etc… Not sure if I am just confused or stupid…


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