New WordPress Themes

There are two new WordPress themes floating around in cyberspace, and I really like them both for different reasons.

The first one is called Into the Ocean, from Design Adaptations.

Screenshot of a WordPress theme called Into the Ocean.

I think this theme shines as a minimalist theme. What really caught my attention, however, was the color. I think the designer really nailed the right blues to use together, and it just presents this very cohesive color palate. Soothing and pleasing at the same time. Excellent job. There is a demo of the theme online.

The second theme is called Sodelicious 2.0, that comes from Web2Themes.

Screenshot of a WordPress theme.

This theme has a soft mossy green that works well with the white and subtle gradients throughout. It feels open, yet there’s actually alot going on in this theme. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about the image at the top left corner – you can’t tell from the screenshot, but if you look at it live that picture actually changes. I think it has potential if you were to use images there that are complimentary to the overall color scheme. I have always liked the ‘hanging’ element look that this one has on the left side (the date and bookmarking links), so that’s a plus. There is a demo of the theme online.

And with that… we conclude this brief mention of a couple of nice themes from the WordPress Theme Universe.
