Asking For Donations To Keep Your Non Profit App Afloat

Assuming you are a non-profit, or are considering starting one, you may want to think about creating a mobile app to receive donations.

Even if you are an organization like that, similar to Wikipedia and other non-profit community based organizations, offering free content on a mobile app and subsequently asking for donations is an incredibly useful way to keep your organization and cause afloat.

While it may initially cost your organization in fixed expenses to create your mobile app, in the end it will likely be worth it to be able to fund your organization through user mobile devices. To further illustrate the importance of creating a mobile app to ask for donations for your organization, here are some additional things to consider.

Pleading To Users

It is pretty common for people to dislike pleading for help of any kind. Accepting such help is hard enough as it is, but when you have to actually ask for it, then things really begin to get rough. With that said, if you can find solace in knowing that your mobile app is helping you do so, and that the help is for your organization, not so much you personally, then you will be able to have a better piece of mind.

Whether you provide a free service through your mobile app, or you are simply looking to raise funds for a good cause, asking for donations is a great way to keep your non-profit organization afloat. Pleading with such users is in no way shameful, it is merely asking for those users that appreciate your organization and what it is doing, to keep it alive for some time to come.

It is especially easy to ask for donations if your organization offers some sort of service to mobile device users as well as the general public. While you may, at times, especially when desperate for funds to keep your organization afloat, need to plead with your users and anyone else that will listen to donate, there certainly is no shame in doing so.

You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

In terms of asking people for money to keep your organization functioning, you have to do what you have to do in order to see that happen. Additionally, you can accept donations through Paypal or another payment method that will allow users of your mobile device to deposit money directly into a bank account of your choosing.

Having a mobile app to facilitate donations is an extremely helpful method of keeping your organization running the way it is meant to. What’s more, after creating a mobile app you will then be able to better keep your users and organization supporters in the mix with updates and other relevant information to your cause.


Keeping an organization of any kind afloat is not an easy task, but if you can do so, there will likely be a lot of people to thank you for it. This is not to mention the immense amount of personal gratification that you will get as well. So, whether it is through pleading with supporters to lend their time and/or money to help your cause and organization, or through keeping them informed, the creation of a mobile app for your organization will undoubtedly be key to its success moving into the future.

This was a guest article from Jennifer Lewis.

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