Creating a mobile app can be a difficult and stressful process. However, it can also be extremely rewarding when offered to the mobile market properly. With that said, doing it on your own can be an insurmountable task at times. So, if you are looking…
Category: Code
The hype around Big Data is just that, BIG. Even though Big Data is predicted to be the future fodder for all analytics. The all-pervasive, all-knowing Big Data is indeed useful, and in the crosshairs as the spending target for most marketing teams in the…
Mobile application testing is one of the most popular types of software testing. Software testing company offers mobile application testing services to simplify the testing needs of application developers and service providers. There are different kinds of mobile applications (web applications, platform applications, SMS, mobile…
It takes a special set of skills to fully develop a mobile app. Because there are so many aspects involved in the process, it often requires at least a handful of people working diligently to complete an app to be offered on the mobile market.…
Though there’s some distance to go before wearable computing breaks into the mainstream, the first wave of Apps on Google Glass has put things squarely into perspective. While Path and New York Times adopted early, closing ranks now are the likes of CNN, Evernote, Elle,…
Typically, when someone downloads your mobile app using an Apple mobile device, it asks whether they would like to receive push notifications. This is an important question for your app, a lot rides on the answer. More specifically, your mobile app should aim for its…
Many mobile apps often become stagnant and fall to the wayside of the mobile market. This is especially true for those market offerings that have been available to mobile device users for some time. Furthermore, the longer that a mobile app is on the market…
Creating a gaming app may seem like the easiest type to create, however, many times app makers end up overlooking essential elements that leave their offering plain and boring. Consequently, no one wants to use the app and its revenue turns out to be nonexistent…
A themed app can related to just anything. Some such apps are released for holiday purposes, like Christmas shopping lists, or leprechaun video games for St. Patrick’s Day. Similarly, other themed apps are released for events such as the Academy Awards, the World Series, or…
Out of all the demographics an app designer could develop a mobile offering for, why target kids? Kids simply are not old enough to work, and therefore do not have income to spend on apps. What’s more, they may not even own a mobile device…