BegForPost – The New Spoof

And people say that techies don’t have a sense of humor. Well, likely PayForPost won’t have much of one about the obvious ‘spin-off’ of their service, but it’s hilarious nonetheless. BegForPost doesn’t pull any punches when it states baldly on the homepage: “BegForPost will allow…

Server – Alive Again

This morning the server was given life again, and the blog is back up. My first order of business was to make a backup of my database (which I had somehow neglected to do for a couple of years). So, it’s good news, and everything…

Server Issue Update

I heard from Kalle, my sys admin, this morning and it looks like the server may have succeeded with it’s previous suicide attempt, at least mostly. In his words, “it seems quite dead”… I think that says it all. He’s going to attempt to get…

Server Issue

You may have noticed that the blog and the recent articles from the blog are not displaying. My system administrator tells me this has something to do with a catastrophic suicide attempt of the server which managed to take out my blog in the fray.…

BanThat – Show Your Dislike

A relatively new service called Banthat is asking you to show your dislike to the whole world. Currently, it looks like Internet Explorer is taking the lead in what people would choose to ban if they had the choice. Like most sites this requires a…

Slideshare Beta – Review

Slideshare recently launched their beta version online and they definitely know how to make an entrance. Not only was Slideshare very quickly making the headlines of Techcrunch, but when you land a beta invite you can see that they are ready for business with a…

Dangers of Google Code Search

A couple of days ago Google announced its new Code Search. Soon after that announcement people were talking about the new release, and they still are, but not in a good way. While Google Code Search provides a great avenue for programmers to search, dangers…