Semantics is a field in language that deals with bringing out the meaning that is hidden in a text. With the advent of technology, there has been a tool that has been used in the language labs that deals with the analysis job. Text mining…
Category: Scripting
Social media uses language that is shortened as compared to other modes of communication. Mining the data that is found in the conversations can be very hard especially when one does not use any semantic or analysis tool. It is done so that one will…
An XML namespace is a great way to ensure consistency in your XML file and to avoid possible conflicts with badly named elements or attributes. An XML Namespace serves as a tool that can be used to spot and outline XML elements, this will make…
Application development is not as important to computer users as it once was, however, no business of any size can ignore the need to program its own applications. A business that programs its own applications knows it will get exactly the software package it needs.…
I adore using PNG graphics in my designs, but I hate the way IE6 handles them. We know all about needing a PNG fix and using one, but recently I encountered my first major problem using one. While working on my new primary site design…
I’ve been spending some time on DHTMLSite lately, and I definitely feel its a great resource for people to look at. Whether you’re a developer or a client, it’s something that can help. For clients who are having a hard time visualizing what they are…
One of the phrases that seems to be on peoples lips during the last few days has been the new JavaFX. In a nutshell, JavaFX is a new method to create rich internet applications. There is an article on Internet News praising JavaFX and declaring…
Recently I posted an article which talked about the reasons to avoid using javascript navigation. The article listed reasons, but not alternatives, so that’s what I’d like to spend some time talking about. Secondary Navigation I feel that the best alternative to javascript navigation is…
Over time many bad web design ideas have been dropped or lost favour, including unnecessary splash screens and unwieldy framesets, for the good of the web user. However, one web design bad habit that persists is the JavaScript Dynamic Navigation. This is bad news for…
A few weeks ago I ordered Jeremy Keith’s DOM Scripting book. (Yes, I know I’m far behind in my reading, but life has been busy.) I’ve had some free time lately to read through it and I think it’s really quite good (yes, I actually…