CSS Reboot Update

So I’ve not posted in a couple of weeks, and that was primarily due to the sudden influx of things that attacked me at once. One thing that did go relatively well was the CSS reboot for a site I did, LovecraftCountry.com (which I tend…

Quiz Fun This Week

Between the hectic hustle and bustle of the household, I managed to squeeze in a couple of short online quizzes to add to my collection. These both came courtesy of Tickle.com. What Do Your Lips Say About You? This is definitely a test with questions…

New Template – Midnight Rainforest

I’ve just completed working on a new template called Midnight Rainforest. This template is free, open-source, following only the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. There are two versions of the site template done at this point. One is a three column and one is a…

Busy Week

Yet another busy week has caused me to neglect posting anything new, but hopefully my next post will make up for that somewhat. I have been working to get a site ready for the CSS Reboot on May 1st, and that has eaten up a…

Skimming & Blog Summaries

As a web developer, I think that one of the easiest pitfalls to run into is assuming that the content on your page is as interesting to your readers as it is to you. Whether we are talking about features, or tools, or images –…

CSS Naked Day

What happened to the design? No, the site isn’t broken. To know more about why styles are disabled on this website visit the Annual CSS Naked Day website for more information. ~Nicole Update: CSS Naked Day is now over. It was a neat idea that…


On April 1st the WordPress development blog released a major news story for WordPress fans and users. In the notice was the announcement of a new business model concept – detailing a merger between WordPress and TextPattern to create a full CMSMS (content management system…

ID Cascade Authority

This is just a quick reminder about a very common troubleshooting issue that you should always check if your site is not displaying as it should. ID always has cascade authority over CLASS. This works no matter how you do it. It doesn’t matter what…