iPad apps development is a booming industry. While there are plenty of freelance iPad developers available in the market who claim to help you in developing an iPad app for your business at a lower rate, it is best advisable that you avoid working with…
Tag: app
Every mobile device user needs apps on their device. The question is not whether they will download an app, the question is which app will they download on their mobile device. For such reason, it should be your goal to be one of the apps…
Without specific statistical data, it is hard to argue that mobile apps are not just as popular, if not more so, than console video games. While video games played on consoles, such as those made by Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft, have a strong user base,…
Because so many mobile devices have touchscreens these days, putting your mobile app quite literally at the fingertips of users is vital to its success on the market. Visibility, as well as accessibility, can be incredibly pivotal when it comes to offering an app to…
When it comes to using a mobile device, users typically want only a few things. They either want to be entertained, have their life made easier, or they simply want a way to connect with other people. What’s more, in many cases, people using mobile…
While it used to be that a device’s built-in camera was only used by mobile apps that were made specifically for image taking and editing. However, no longer is the function of taking a picture limited to such apps. Whether it is a financial institution…
A smartphones is supposed to be a very personal gadget, and it is said to reflect the personality of the owner. But all of us know that humans wear different masks at different times. The easiest change to observe is to see a person at…
Selecting a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution is becoming one of the most pressing issues facing IT departments today. The solution has to meet the needs of the enterprise and the users in a number of domains including security, data management, technology, and business. And…
Mobility today is not just a fad. It is a mega trend, which is driving not just personal, but enterprise way of working. The growth in this technology adoption is faster than any other ever before. This mega trend has impacted the world in a…
Mobility is not a just a fad. It is a mega trend impacting the users and enterprises alike. The logs that keep the mobility fire raging are the hundreds of thousands of applications that offer its users with more and more functionalities and entertainment options.…