What Makes A Website Successful?

So, we all know that you need a decent website to attract customers, good key phrases to get noticed on search engine pages and about search engine optimisation. However, what exactly makes a good website and what should you do to get people coming back?

The most important thing about having a website is to make sure that search engines recognise it as this is where most of your customers are going to come from. With billions of websites on the net it can be very difficult to get noticed so register with as many as possible such as Google, Yahoo and even the smaller sites.

Keep your website regularly updated as it keeps it looking fresh and can help with search engine optimisation. If your website has been exactly the same for the last five years people will be very bored of it and won’t find any reason for going onto it.

The most successful sites contain powerful, relevant, useful information and lots of it. If people can find everything they need on your site they will keep coming.

Although search engine optimisation is very important there are also a lot of very simple things you can do to attract people to your site. For example, make it easy for visitors to get around your site otherwise they will get frustrated. Also make sure that you respond to any queries quickly as this shows customers that you care about them and value their custom.

Websites are capable of gathering information about its visitors which is very useful when it comes to knowing exactly what gets people clicking on your site. This can be done through surveys, newsletter subscriptions, contests and many other methods.

Other than search engine optimisation another extremely important aspect of any website is its design as it can be the difference between customers returning or not. People are very judgemental when it comes to the way something looks so if something is plain and boring they’re not going to like it. However, if a site has good graphics, texts and colours it is going to attract people’s attention and they are more likely to come back.

Once you know all about search engine optimisation and how to create a good website there is no reason why the amount of traffic going to your site shouldn’t increase. Once people have achieved these things they often wonder how they ever coped without a great website.

Author: Derek Both (Email)

At WRS http://www.webrepairservices.co.uk we aim to help you get the most from your website investment and turn it into a high performance revenue channel.

Posted in SEO