How to use Remote Desktop Software

Remote access to another computer is very important to large and small businesses in today’s busy world where it is not always possible to be on site all the time.

remote computer at the office
If you want to get remote access to a specific computer from any location in the world, then you will need to purchase software to achieve this. Remote Desktop software has been designed by companies such as Microsoft, LogMeIn, Proxy Networks and others in order to allow users to connect remotely to other computers across the Internet. The application is versatile and can be used while traveling to access your home or work computer. It is also used for technicians to gain remote access to a computer to fix any issues within it.

The power of remote access software is there for all to see. In order to use the program it first needs to installed manually and configured accordingly to be able to use for your needs. Once the software has been installed and enabled it can then be used to connect remotely to other computers and systems.

Step 1: Enable Remote Desktop on the Host Computer

In order to enable the software on your host computer you first need to enter the Control Panel via the Start and Settings menus on your PC. Open up the System application by double clicking on the mouse over that particular icon. Choose the remote menu tab and choose to allow users to connect remotely to this computer. In the remote settings area and under remote desktop, select on of the options available to allow remote connections to the computer. You can then select which users can have access remotely to the other computer. Once this is all done then the connection on this end should be set up.

Step 2: Enable Remote Desktop on the Target Computer

The next step is to set up the software on the target computer as well. This is to enable both sides to talk to one other when the connection is made. For this reason this must also be installed and enabled manually on the other computer you wish to get access to remotely.

Step 3: Open a Remote Desktop Connection

Once the computers on both sides have been enabled with the software to allow connection, then it is time to open up the remote desktop connection. To begin you should navigate to the remote desktop connection menu item in the start menu and under accessories and programs. Enter the computer name to which you want to connect. This can be the name or the IP Address of the other computer. This will open up the remote desktop session and all that remains is to press the connect button. You may be required to enter a username and password if the connection is protected.

Step 4: Take remote control of the other computer

LastlyFeature Articles, once everything is set up and enabled and you have connected to the other desktop you can get permission to take control of the other computer via the remote session on your desktop. You can take over every aspect of the other machine until control is taken back. Once you have finished you should log off or shut down the connection in order to give the user back their ability to move about their device of their own free will again.

This was a guest article from Frank Taylor.

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