Lipogram Fun

A highly fascinating topic of linguistic discussion is in lipograms. For anybody not famliar with what a lipogram is, I shall simplify it. A lipogram is: Anything that you draft (usually a paragraph at minimum) which wholly skips a symbol of all writing symbols. A…

Only a Southerner…

I found this list of things that ‘Only a Southerner’ knows. It’s a lot like those lists of ‘You know you’re a Southerner if…’ so enjoy. I’m a Texan, and so very much of this is accurate that I find it very entertaining. I love…

Site Review – Inspiring Messages

While browsing around, caught my eye. I mention it not because it has good code (which it does not), but because it really grabbed my attention immediately. This site was obviously made by someone who has a natural knack for usability practices. I love…

Why Aren’t You Using Linkbait?

You’ve heard of the olden days when people would hunt for potential link partners. Well, those days are long gone and smart web masters are moving on to greater things, while decreasing their reciprocal link building effort. If you are wondering what this new technique…

New Template – Dark Rose

I’ve just completed working on a new template that I’m calling Dark Rose. This template is free, open-source, following only the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. The template is a CSS based, table-less layout and validate to XHTML 1.0 Strict. It uses two images, one…

New Blog Layout

As recently posted, I broke my last blog layout. It no longer was working for IE, but instead of fixing it right away, I decided to just change things up and finally implement a new theme. I had wanted to change the layout for a…